Strengthening Faith through Biblical Wisdom Principles
The main goal of the organization is to establish a faith building system for every person. It is our desire to improve the quality of life of every person in the areas of business and finance, but the greater aim is to provide a system of faith, founded in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our major efforts of faith are conducted by the Locked in the Liberty of Christ (LILOC) School of Ministry through daily prayer and Bible study conference calls, and through the locally established Bible Study Fellowship and Prayer Groups. Connect today.
To meet with us for online Bible Study and prayer, Join LILOC. To connect with one of our local Bible Study/Prayer Groups, email us below.

Faith Family Teams
The organization is comprised of Faith Family Teams that are focused on developing families in the word of God and prayer. As the old saying goes, "the family that prays together, stays together." Our Faith Teams meet locally twice per week to strength families and educate them on how to maintain and strengthen their faith in the turbulent and doubt filled world we live in.
To be a part of one of our local Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, or Worship teams, email us to get connected. Additionally, if you would like to be mentored and coached on how to set up a Faith Family Team in your local community or city, email us and we will help you to get started.